We work with the following four contractors on a regular basis when they need quality drywall services. Please do not hesitate to call them directly to inquire about our workmanship.
Staikos Homes – Belleville ON
Nat Pearson – 613-967-6560 Ext 4
Specialized Onsite Services – Napanee ON
Cam Monk – 613-305-4042
John Maas Builder – Kingston ON
Bill Maas – 613-541-9134
Beckwith Contracting – Sydenham ON
Jacob Beckwith – Corey Andress 613-376-3123
Furthermore here is a list of private home owners we have done work with in the past year. This list grows quickly! We would love to add your name to this list and another reference!
Burt McCutcheon Roblin ON
Rob Pyke Roblin ON
Tim Dowling Verona ON
Anita Alton Sydenham ON
Amanda Sager Harrowsmith ON
Lynn and Randy Rhem Camden East ON
Greg Falkins Napanee ON
Dan Brown Erinsville ON
Mark Percy Parham ON
Chris Sanders Picton ON
Chris and Monica Myers Arden ON
Jeff Holtz Napanee ON
Mike Bertrand Kingston ON